Music at Saint George's

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A Childhood Memory

s a small child, I remember thumbing through the hymnal Sunday mornings.  My church had received the new Lutheran Book of Worship when I was very young.  It had a deep green cover, interesting icons, smelled like a new book, and the edge of its pages had these intriguing “rubric red” freckles which seemed to set it apart from other books.  Each Sunday, I would set this book up on my chair and pretend to play the organ, direct the choir, or simply be fascinated by what I would find within.  As I grew up, I naturally began to understand and more deeply discover this treasure of prayers and hymnody as I leafed through it each week. 
One of the parts of this hymnal that fascinated me most was the liturgies for Holy Week.  My parents faithfully took us each year to these services, so that we would understand the whole Easter story.  I remember these liturgies well.  I remember the anticipation and excitement I had for these services.  As an adult and parent, I now see why these services captivate me so.  Out of all our liturgies, they contain lots of liturgical actions that a child can understand and participate in on their own level, no matter their age.  I’m grateful my parents brought me to these liturgies, and I’m grateful for how these liturgies continually reveal the depths and mysteries of our faith, no matter our age.
May your Holy Week journey be one of full participation in the story, one of deep blessing and one of rich revelation of God’s love and grace.
Soli deo Gloria!
Ben Keseley, Minister of Music
Saint George’s Hymn Project
Hymn 431 – In heavenly love abiding (Hymnal 1940)
Missie Burman, writes:
This was the hymn sung by the seniors at my high school every year at the baccalaureate service that the entire school attended. I assume that those who designed this service believed that its lyrics well depicted an acknowledgement of personal growth and leave taking, but for me it became a personal devotional that I still sing to myself when I am sorrowful or in transition. And it has a great tune, which has been wasted on 1982.
Second place: 469, is very healing for my soul.
Hymn 344 – Lord dismiss us with thy blessing
Kristine Montamat, writes:
"Sicilian Mariners" is such a lovely melody, and again, I love the words of this hymn. (I also love "O Sanctissima") It's a good "everyday" kind of hymn.
Hymn 671 – Amazing Grace
Susan Kuhn, writes:
This hymn has everything that matters. Gods great mercy in the midst of evil. Salvation for the perpetrator of evil. Deep resonance with America's history of benefitting from slavery. The concept of Amazing Grace transcends slaver and enslaved; it humbles the transgressor and elevates the victimized. It offers the possibility of healing as deeply as we are able to accept and provides common ground for reconciliation.  
St. George’s Favorite Hymn Project:
We are collecting YOUR favorite hymns.  Submit yours today.
Tell us what it is here and why.