Choirs of Saint George's Church
As ministers of music we make known the love of God and the beauty of God’s creation through our song.
We aspire to teach, to learn, to inspire, and to lead all to a deeper knowledge of our Lord.
Saint George’s is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCM).
You do not have to be a member of Saint George's Church to participate in our choirs.
To join a choir, please register here or contact the Minister of Music.
The Saint George's Choir
The Saint George’s Choir is a mixed choir of adults and youth that is tasked with the musical leadership of our 10:30 am Sunday Eucharist, as well as Holy Day liturgies and regualar Evensongs. The choir is open to anyone willing and able to make a reasonable commitment, eager to be challenged, and open to experiencing the reward of spiritual and musical growth that comes from working together to make beautiful music. The choir sings a wide variety of repertoire from chant to modern-day compositions.
Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm (September – May), and Sunday mornings at 9:30 am prior to worship. The choir sings year-round on Sundays, at our annual Christmas Lessons and Carols, as well as monthly Evensongs (October through June,) and additional special liturgies.
In addition to its musical leadership at Saint George’s, the choir has made pilgrimages to England serving as the choir in residence at the Lincoln, Sheffield, and Gloucester cathedrals. The choir has also sung Evensongs at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
You do not have to be a member of Saint George's to sing in the choir.
The Saint George’s Choristers
The Saint George’s Choristers is for those in grades 4-12 grade who enjoy singing with others, being part of a fun and exciting group, and can make a reasonable commitment of time to the group. The choir’s primary focus is on developing lifelong leadership, musical, and worship skills that are an essential part of the whole formation of a child. The choir sings regularly as part of the Saint George’s Choir.
Rehearsals are demanding and fun. We use the Voice for Life curriculum which focuses on singing, music theory and ear training, worship leadership, and development of life skills. The Choristers rehearse on Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm (September–May) in the Song School. Choristers may choose to earn ribbons and medals associated with the Voice for Life curriculum as part of their training. The Choristers sing on Sundays and at Evensong, along with other services as scheduled. You do not have to be a member of Saint George's to sing in the choir.
Saint Cecilia Choir
The Saint Cecilia Choir is for children in Grades 1-3. Using the Voice for Life curriculum, emphasis is placed on developing the fundamentals of singing, music theory, worship skills, and choir membership. Children engage in fun musical activities that help prepare them for a life-time of singing and servant leadership.
Rehearsals are held on Thursdays from 6:30pm-7:15pm (September–May) in the Nave and the Song School. The choir sings on Sundays, 4-5 times a semester, and on Christmas Eve. The St. Cecilia choir is directed by Saint George’s Choir member Dr. Jennifer Grotpeter. You do not have to be a member of Saint George's to sing in the choir.
Angel choir sings on Palm Sunday 2023. (📸: Janet Wamsley)
Angel Choir
The Angel Choir is open to children ages 3-Kindergarten who love to sing and are able to participate in group activities. Through fun musical activities, movement, and simple songs the children explore their voices and learn the basics of singing alone and in a group, along with rudimentary worship and music theory skills.
Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:00pm in the Saint George’s Room. The choir sings on Sundays 1-2 times per semester, including Christmas Eve. The Angel Choir is directed by Mrs. Rebecca Hill. You do not have to be a member of Saint George's to sing in the choir.
Bells of Saint George
Saint George’s maintains a five-octave set of Malmark Handbells for liturgical use. In addition to offering voluntaries, our bells punctuate our liturgies with peals and festive decorations.
Our handbell choir is open to both adults and youth – a sense of rhythm and music reading skills are helpful, but not required. Change ringing techniques and other ringing skills are taught. The Bells of Saint George is led by Matt Rippere.