April 6th, 4 pm, Choral Evensong for Lent, Nave. Choral Evensong is sung by the Saint George’s Choir and Choristers including music by T. Tertius Noble and Josef Rheinberger. The Prelude begins at 3:45 pm featuring Bach’s Partita on Sei Gegrüsset. We encourage you to bring items for the Lenten Giving Drive to be brought forward during the service.
Evensong marks the end of the day and prepares for the approaching night. The roots of this service come out of ancient monastic traditions of Christian prayer. Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury in the 16th century, created this form as part of the simplification of services within the newly-reformed Church of England. The Episcopal Church, as part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, has inherited this pattern of evening prayer.
In this service we are invited to reflect, to pray for the world and for ourselves, and to commend all into God’s hands as words of Holy Scripture are said and sung. The beauty of the music is offered to help us set our lives in the light of eternity; the same light which dwelt among us in Jesus, and which now illuminates us by the Spirit.