Beauty and Splendor

On Sunday we sang our last services in Gloucester. Sunday Eucharist is held in the Nave, as opposed to the Quire where we had sung Evensong all week. This provided us an opportunity to adjust to a different acoustic and formation. The choir, now pros at adapting to new things, sang beautifully. Our final Evensong was back in the quire stalls in the afternoon where we sang beautiful and familiar repertoire that we know very well. This provided us the opportunity to perhaps enjoy even more the space we have called home for the past week.

We were delighted to discover by chance that Gloucester’s Canon Precentor, the Rev. Craig Huxley-Jones, went to seminary with former Saint Georgian, Len Abrams. A small world indeed! We are very grateful for Craig’s hospitality and good care during our residency. We depart with a new friend and partner in ministry and hope to welcome Canon Craig to St. George’s someday.

As we travel back this day, my heart is full of gratitude for our choir and choristers. Not only for their tremendous work and all they have achieved, but also living into and sharing those values we hold dear as Saint Georgians. For all of you back home who have supported us with your prayers, good wishes, financial gifts. For our staff singers who provided me good musical counsel, and for Anna Wiley, our chaplain. And for my beloved wife, Meredith, who assumed all the duties and craziness of our household while I was away, while balancing a busy season at work.

We know that God is revealed in beauty and truth. And if we ever doubt God’s presence in our lives, we only need to remember the splendor and beauty of this magnificent, historic and holy place. The beauty and splendor of the music we are blessed to sing. The beauty and splendor of the community and fellowship we share together. And the beauty and splendor of this little thing called Bus Church!

Soli Del Gloria,

Ben Keseley

Our Organist - Thank You, Alfred!

Alfred Yoon, our organist, did a fantastic job navigating a temporary organ system, multiple cameras, a generous acoustic, and difficult repertoire. We are so grateful for his teamwork, expertise, and musicianship. Thank you, Alfred!

You can see in this picture several of the facade pipes are out of the organ case, as are all the interior pipes. The new organ will be completed in this historic case in 2026.

Photos from the week

A sword from really, really long time ago.

The cathedral courtyard.

The cloisters where Harry Potter scenes were filmed.

Rhapsody in Blue windows in a side chapel.

The Kiddywinks, Manuel, and our tour guide, Peter.

By the Turf Cafe in Oxford.